If i...


Fish Fanatic
Jun 2, 2004
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put 10 ghost shrimp in my tank will my puffer eat them all at once or will he eat till hes full and leave them alone until hes hungry again?
Probably eat them all at once. Most fish have a "bottomless" appetite and will eat well past their full level.
I also seen my nite goby eating them...will my bumblebee goby and butterfly gobies eat them as well?
jsescher25 said:
I also seen my nite goby eating them...will my bumblebee goby and butterfly gobies eat them as well?
Bumblebee gobies are as big as the shrimp so I don't think they would :p
It may be somewhat a matter of taste for the individual fish.I put some in with my fantail,expecting that they'd all be eaten in short order.That was a few weeks ago and out of a dozen there are still seven left.One was eaten today but it may have molted and been vulnerable.It was odd to see the fantail with all but a shred in it's mouth and a couple of bold or crazy shrimp trying to grab a bite from that dangling shred :lol:


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