When I'm stocking my tank, I don't go by "1-Inch Adult Size / Gallon" rule. If I did that, I could rule out keeping any fish I might choose to do - Oscars, A nice swarm of Neon Tetras, etc.
What I do take into account are three things:
1. Will the fish have swim space? (This means if there are other fish in the tank, will they still be able to hang out in the areas they'd be interested? Bottom feeders on the bottom, mid and top dwellers hanging out in their respective areas.)
2. Will the fish have an area that they can hide, or if they're territorial, call their own? (This might be something as simple as adding a couple more plants, or more intesive, such as redoing the aquascape, or reconsidering the population, if it's a fish I want bad enough.)
3. Will I have enough filtration to adequately support the current and additional bioload?
If I can answer all three of those questions with a yes, then I'll consider adding more fish and it's simply just moving on to find species that are compatible with my current setup.