I'f finding you cannot trust local pet stores...


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Oct 12, 2003
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Beautiful California!!!!!!
I am pretty new to all this and I really thought I could trust my local pet store.
Apparently, I was incorrect. I'm learning on my own, through books and this site,
thanks for all the help so far. I think I may have numerous questions in the next couple of weeks and would appreciate any input.

First of all if you take a look below this is what I have in my tank. It's 45 gallons, does this seem ok? I was told yes by the pet store, but they also told me you could
have 2 Red Tailed Sharks with no problems, NOT!!!!!

Also, I specifally asked if the fish I chose needed ONLY flake food and was initially told yes. Well today I am told my Cory's need shrimp pellets and my Glass Catfish need Bloodworms. Is this true? How do I know how much to give of each and how do I know if the other fish won't eat what's not theirs. Bottom line, how do I know each fish is getting what they should and enough of it? This seems much harder than I first thought!

number wise you look okay. you need to get another cory or two, they need to be in groups of 3 or more, even if theyre different kinds, becasue they feel safer in schools. what kind of pleco? don't know about the shark with the cories, may be asking for trouble. the other fish sound okay together though.
i had 4 types of food a night to my tank

bloodworms that float and sink....so every1 gets some

sinking pellets for the bottom dwellers

algae wafers for my plecs

and granuals that sink, float and hang in mid-water

that way all fish get what they want or need and if they fancy a change its there for the taking
ashtin49 said:
Also, I specifally asked if the fish I chose needed ONLY flake food and was initially told yes. Well today I am told my Cory's need shrimp pellets and my Glass Catfish need Bloodworms. Is this true? How do I know how much to give of each and how do I know if the other fish won't eat what's not theirs. Bottom line, how do I know each fish is getting what they should and enough of it? This seems much harder than I first thought!

sorry, missed the food part before.
NOT all fish just eat flakes. in fact,it wouldn't hurt to supplement other foods besides flakes even for those that do eat them. now, your cory cats will eat the flakes that sink to the bottom, but you can also get them the shrimp pellets (though mine don't touch them), or there are sinking wafers by hikari, just called sinking wafers, even have a cory cat on the package, that are good. but even feeding just a little more flakes than you would think is enough will help ensure the cories get some. also try droppign some in at night, with lights off so the other fish will ignore the food. as for the catfish, you could get the freeze dried or frozen blood worms (will find them at your lfs), or frozen brine shrimp (live if you can get it is good, but not all lfs sell them live....). your cories will also love the frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp, as will the flake eaters. :D
the 2 times ive used live foods ive had big fish deaths :-(
I think your flake food should be okay. My close friends have some glass catfish and they give them flake food. But just to make sure you should sheck the internet. :D
I feed my fish 3-4 different types of flakes. I also have sinking tablets for my cories, which I give after the lights have been turned off. I give all fish frozen bloodworms a couple of times a week. Sometimes I get them other types of frozen foods as well. This seems to be fine for them.
i've always read 3 or more. but i prefer the more anyway myself :D
Cories will be ok if there's 3 of them, but they won't be "happy" unless there's 6 or more. The more the merrier. ;)
Okay i have been involved in aquarium keeping most of my life and from what i have taken out of it that do most of your on research on fish etc because at the end of the day the pet store is just trying to make a sale... however sometimes you actually find a good aqaurium store the ones with no dogs or cats or birds but the ones that specialise in aquariums which are most helpful. however, word of advice if you are going to buy a fish never buy one from a tank with other dead fish...

the greedy fish will always eat first... fill them up then about 10 minutes later feed the other fish...

yes two red tail black sharks wouldnt get along in a 100g tank little lone a 45g remove one or buy more of them but i wouldnt recommend the later
Yes 2 red tails of equal size will usualy live in harmony in a 100 g tank but if there is any variation the larger one wil harras the smaller one. if you dont want any fighting you need to get them to live in anonimity (7 or more).

as far as the food question, everyone has a different anser because we all have different fish and different tank set ups. But the one concreat rool that I have heard is that fish need some variation in there food. oh and that your LFS is not to be trusted they only sell the fish they dont breed them.

:p personally i feed mine (2 silver dollars 3 guppies)a blend of flake,pellet,and live earth worms and they seem to prefer the earth worms the most but flakes and pellets are eaten also so it depends on the fish i guess :blink:
try and find a lfs that is small & locally owned, shop around,once you find your favorite place you'll feel guilty for ever shopping anywhere else :lol:

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