Idk What To Do!


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
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Which cycle method should I use? The Add Daily or The Add and Wait method? So with the add and wait method would I just fill up the tank and add declorinator then all the ammonia stuff? The thing about that is the water conditioner that I have kills ammonia and helps prevent the accumulation of it. How long should I wait after I think the tank is done cycling to add the puffer? I have the Tetra Whisper filter. Since you have to keep the bacteria can I change the filter cartridge? My filter stops working when the cartridge gets dirty. I will probably get a new filter. What kind of filter do you suggest? I really prefer the in tank ones.
Hi there reptile and welcome to the forums! :)

1) I'd work out your filter situation first, as you want to get the right before you start your fishless cycle. You could get in a discussion here on TFF, both here in beginners, or perhaps also over in the hardware section if need be. You'll want to understand the principles of mechanical, chemical and bio filtration and make sure any filter you get is ready to be a good mechanical and biofilter and that it will have the flow rate for the fish stocking level you intend.

2) Although both the Add Daily and Add & Wait methods are outlined, in my experience most of us here follow the Add and Wait method of Fishless Cycling. Its important to be active in your questions here in your beginners thread as the outline doesn't necessarily cover all the questions you'll have. But again, if you can stand the delay, you'll be better off having worked out a really good filter before you actually start your cycling.

3) Fishless Cycling takes between 3 weeks and 3 months depending on your situation and luck. If you are able to find access to some mature media (the name we give to a bit of sponge or other media from someone's old filter) you can sometimes speed up things a bit but that too is unpredictable.

4) You've already had a taste of a filter where the manufacturer is reducing the flexibility to you, the consumer, in an attempt to encourage a steady revenue stream from you thinking you have to buy replacement "cartridges" or new media. Neither of these things (cartridges or regular media replacement) is actually needed if you know what you are doing as an aquarist. The best filters (large ones with open areas or trays where you can put your own choice of media) to not limit you and the best types of biomedia (ceramic rings, ceramic pebbles, sponge etc.) need very little or no replacing over a lifetime.

The members here are great and no doubt will give you lots of help with filter specifics and then with getting your fishless cycle started after that. Then you'll have weeks during which you can discuss how to transition to having fish and what the initial fish should be to start off the growth of your aquarium population. Good Luck!

I have a whisper filter in a couple of my tanks because they came with the tank. The filter cartridge can be easily swished around in some used tank water and becomes clean enough not to block the flow. After a few days, the trace of carbon in a new cartridge is exhausted anyway so there is no reason to worry about it affecting anything. I think they put it in there for show only. If you need a filter and are willing to pay big bucks, any brand name canister filter is head and shoulders better than the filter you have. In the Rena line that would be an XP1 for about $80 on ebay. Another decent filter is the HOT Magnum for about $50. It has enough room in it to put together a decent filter but doesn't come with much. The Penguin and Emperor filters are somewhat flexible HOB filters but you are back to cartridges with those. The AC series of HOB filters are well thought of and allow you to choose what media you want in them. You could think of them being between the canister and the whisper type in flexibility and quality.
As WD said, you want to get your permanent filter before you start trying to cycle the tank since the filter is really what you are cycling.

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