Identifying Help!


Fish Herder
Aug 3, 2006
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
I have a catfish my brother bought from the local petstore. I can't remember what the name of it was and have yet to stumble upon what it may be.

It is about 4 inches long, has atleast 3 pairs of barbels, its fins are raggedy and sharp to the point where you can't pick it up with a mesh net, and it is light brown with darker brown large polka dots covering its body.

I have no picture because it hides away and only comes out when no one is around. I've caught a glimpse of him on several occasions, but by the time I get close enough with a camera he darts back in the cave we have for him. The reason I want to know is so I can determine wether or not to keep him. He's in a 10 gallon... :/


EDIT: I got pictures of him!!! :D I never realized how FAT he was... sorry about the poor quality, it's hard taking pictures of a tank with my camera...


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Sorry but its impossible to ID without a picture. There are hundreds of different types of catfish.
Yep, sounds exactly like a Synodontis Eupterus aka featherfin to me. :good:
It does look like him, however my fish's polka dots are much larger. Maybe it's just something unique about him... thanks!! I'll try to get a photo and post it if I'm sucessful :)

Edit: I got photos! They're in the first post :D
I'd say it's a synodontis so goto planet catfish and search for him there you never know goodluck
Thanks everyone <3 A person at PlanetCatfish it is most likely a hybrid. I'm thinking Featherfin x Ocellifer since his back fin doesn't have rows of dots like Ocellifer's normally do.

Thanks again :D He now has an ID!
i thought 8 but then planetcatfish said 6 inches oh wellguess i'll see when mine stops growing!

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