Identifying A Catfish


Fish Addict
May 31, 2006
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Kent UK
Hi everyone I bought a catfish from my pet store he was in the spotted corydora tank but when i asked for him the guy said he wasn't a spotted corydora but something else. He was quite small but the guy said he'd be fine in a community tank when i put him in there i didnt see him and had to go on holiday so mum kept an eye on him. She said that when he eventually started to come out the bristlenose pleco (small) attacked him and he hasnt been seen since presumed dead. He was a dark brown with white pattern like marbling. Any idea what he was and why my pleco reacted like he did? I mean my pleco chases my other corydora around but he's never attacked him or any other fish

He looked a little like this but more white squares than lines
I have never had any bristlenose plecos attack any cory, ever. Only thing they ever get rough with is it's own species (or similar) if there are not enough caves for the males.

Also, if what you bought is a suckermouth like the picture you have another pleco, and there will be no way anyone can figure out the species without a picture.

Plecs compete for territory and it seems as though your Bristle-nose was more settled in and your un-named plec had just moved in, which made him shy, which lost made him vunerable to your Bristle-nose.
I feel for you dude.
Turns out no need to feel for me a friend was gonna flush her catfish so I said I'd take him to save his life when i put him in there he went into this plant and got chased out by my supossedly deceased catfish who hasn't been spotted for at least two weeks!!! So now I have two. My firends one I think is an upside down catfish I'll try and get some pictures of both if they ever come out again! My pleco cahses my cory around all the time.
P.s do upside catfish swim upside down all the time or just sometimes?

Also, if what you bought is a suckermouth like the picture you have another pleco, and there will be no way anyone can figure out the species without a picture.

He's definatley not a suckermouth but the pattern was similar
P.s do upside catfish swim upside down all the time or just sometimes?

It depends. Sometimes all Synodontis sp. are called upside down catfish, sometimes it is more specific. The species is evading my memory, but there is one that almost always swims upside down, other syns only swim upside down sometimes. My S. petricolas will swim upside down when they are exploring the tank and reach the surface. My S. multipuncatus only seems to swim that way when he/she thinks there is food to be eaten. I do not own the species that swims upside down basicaly all the time.
oh thats cool well mine rests in the leaves upside down but hardlyswims upside down at all
oh thats cool well mine rests in the leaves upside down but hardlyswims upside down at all

I have 3 upsidedown cats, and as long as you dont have the giant upsidedown cat (Brachysynodontis batensoda) you'll be ok. The small ones are called synodontis nigriventris

Mine tend to hide under the filter and heater, in the upside down position and also swim like that. they do and will swim 'up-right' but they are designed to swim upside-down to take insects from the surface, in the wild. they have dark bellies, where as most fish have light colour bodies to camoflague them from preditors.

As garraty's comment not all synodontis species are called upsidedown, there are only a handful of upside down cats in the syndontis genus. For example I have a synodontis Ocellifer, which never swims upside down, and as far as I know doesn't.

The genus name Synodontis is derived from the Greek words syn meaning together and odont meaning tooth.

They have fused teeth plates, as well as spiney fins, which can cause a lot of pain to you, and damge if handle incorrectly.

here is some more info:

- Upsidedown cats

- Other Synodontis

Glad to here your plec is still alive and kicking, but don't hold your breath about seeing the upsidedown's a lot as they are nocturnal and rarely venture out during the day, they do from time to time, but mainly they spend their day light hour hiding and sleeping.
Synodontis aterrimus is the one i adopted from a friend definately thanks for identifying him but havent seen the other one again yet so not sure bout him

That is a beautiful fish :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

better than my syno, do you have a pic of your fish?
No he doesn't venture out a lot in the day prefers the dark but I'll try and get a pic he is beutiful though looks just like the one in the pic!
ok so I've seen the one i wanted to identify in the first place recently trying to get a picture but so difficult. He's smaller but basically the same shape as the other one with the feelers but he has big white banded stripes on his body and they go into squares on his head still trying for pic but any ideas? Couldn't see him on any of the links already given though
oooo i think i found it i found my boy this is what he looks like!!!

Apaarently trhis is what his adult form will eb shame cos he juvenile form is much prettier!!!
#So i read up on them and they get big dont think my tank 120litres will house him for long

-_- it ONLY grows to 5.9" you will have plenty of room, unless your currently over stocked?

It is a shame about the colouration, there are loads of fish which are stunning as juveniles but become plain when they get to adult-hood. But hey its the way of the world, most juveniles have elaborate colourations and designs for camoflauge, and when they are adults they dont need to hide form preditors so loose the patterns. Similar to Lions, their cubs have spots and lines on their fur, but as adults they are just a plain snady colour. GRR!!! (/me makes lion faces)

:fun: :fun:
well i got a 3ft tank and it says they need minimum 4 ft but i'm saving to upgrade anyway so hopefully it'll work out thanks for your help

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