Identify This Hitch Hiker...


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
I got my rock today, really nice stuff with great algae growth.

I've spotted a number of hitch hikers already including a very small crab, a bristle worm, some very small feather dusters and what I think is a very small pieces of fire coral, but have no idea what these are...


They are moving in the current and are pretty clear, looking almost like egg cases.

I will be doing a proper diary thread (yes ANOTHER nano diary) but if anyone could identify this in the mean time I'd be grateful!
This is exactly what its all going to be about for me...
"What have I got for free??" :D

I'll be reading ANOTHER nano thread with jealousy then :)
I know, rubbish pic... will try again.

This is slightly better...


My camera wasn't made for close ups :/

They're about 2cm x 1cm

Also spotted this...

The second pic is Aiptasia. First is un-known, could be eggs. Could be snail eggs.
Well I boiled the Aiptasia into submission without harming the other things on the rock, put the white pouches are a real mystery. The holding tank at the fish shop contains all sort of things, including a black tipped reef shark (although it's called Dave so unlikely to be the source of any eggs :p ), dog fish, tangs, chromis, damsels and a couple of angels although I don't think any of them are likely to be responsible for these. Having said that the rock was "just in" so pretty much anything could have come into contact with it.

I'll keep a close eye on them and see if anything develops.

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