Identify this fish...

Dragons Bay

New Member
Dec 22, 2003
Reaction score
Hong Kong, China
I know it's a platy, but I need the specific species: golden orange, big whitish belly and black markings on the tail, large eyes.

Thanks. :D
Ah... I think it's a Mickey Mouse then. When I bought it the Chinese characters were Mickey Mouse.... The trouble with LFS is that they are in Chinese, and when I want to research fish I need to find their English names... :X

Thanks all! :D
You're welcome :). I have the same problem with translating fish stuff from English to Finnish, and vice versa :lol:.
Dragons Bay said:
I know it's a platy, but I need the specific species: golden orange, big whitish belly and black markings on the tail, large eyes.
Just for your info the colouration does not lead to this being a different species. All platies are of the same species regardless of colour. :)

I wouldn't pay too much attention to the names given to colourations of fish myself. Often its just what the petstore calls it in an attempt to make it sound better and for more people to purchase it :)
I personally like to know the exact name of my fish variety so that I know what to call it. There is quite big difference in the look of some Dwarf Gourami varieties, and I also want to know what my Platies are called, and so on. Most of the names are pretty much universal, not just something the store came up with.

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