Identify This Crab For Me Please


Fish Herder
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
Kent, England
Got my live rock today and these came with it, they came out of a super clean healthy tank but hesitant to add them without knowing. This first guy was very feisty pincers up and giving it large the whole time I was moving him about, he also was carrying a load of stuff round the tank, bit of shell, piece of aptasia, dead worm and got nunky when I tried to take it off him. Is there such a thing as a hobo crab?


Next up are 3 crabs all of who curled legs up underneath and ended up as a sort of square parcel, not really green , more brownish and seem to have red eyes.


Thanks guys
not sure both look evil to me (long claws/red eyes) but im watching with interest
First looks like a black mithrax to me, other 2 are xanthids of some kind probably actaeodes tomentosus

First one isn't a problem, mostly algae eater
Others are a right bunch of evil buggers.
Yeah actaeodes tomentosus that's definitely what 3 of them are Sorgan cheers, question is to keep or exterminate, rather like them and the coral obviously didn't suffer from their presence.
Have you got a sump they can live in? They may not cause trouble now but they can cause mayhem.
No sump up and running everything living in a bath :blink: I stuck them in there, figured they will turn up later, or not. I'm not massively worried as they came on the rock from a beautiful coral tank so can't have been too deadly as they have been in there for over a year.
second one looks like a shamefaced crab.... just saying

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