identify these fish


May 2, 2004
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my other thread couldnt identify these fish...but now i got pictures!! Here is the thread with the pics.

The first two mbuna pics are definitely Labidochromis caeruleus. The third mbuna looks possibly like a Pseudotropheus saulosi, but I am not completely sure. Hopefully someone else can make a positive ID.(It's hard to tell since the pic is a little blurry, and I'm still not great at IDs.)
thx for the attempt...the man at the fish store says that they are both the first kind.
Hopefully a cichlid expert will confirm this, but I'm pretty sure keeping Mbuna with Gourami is a pretty bad idea. Not only do they favor completely different water conditions, but the mbuna will eventually get more aggressive. The slow gouramis will not fare well.
they mbuna will stay more at the bottom then the guarmis and as labs are the friendliest of mbuna though far more agrisive then everything in your tank like i said in your other post you could get rid of the cichlids now, or wait and see unless youv'e talked to something with a similar mix it is hard to tell if they will be compatible and even then it depends on the individual fish
what would i do with 2 labs? i dont think they would b taken back...and im not gonna kill em.
More tanks :hey:

I don't know are you new to fish yellow labs were my first fish about 4 months ago didn't know nothing about anyfish i am currently upgradeing from my ten to a 90g for them
yea ive had tanks in the past..but this is my first truthfully tropical fish tank. im still learning.

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