Identify My New Pleco Please!


Leader Of The Seahorse's!
Dec 2, 2006
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Hi there,i got this pleco today and i want to know what type he is,i cant remeber what they said it was :shifty:


And can you tell if it is male or female?

How big is he/she??

I can't decide between L104 or L204. May even be something else, there are so many who look alike but are different. If it is either, it would need wood to eat.

I'm probably way off, gorgeous little fellow non the less.

Hey,well i got the smallest type of these pleco that they had. I went asking for a leopard frog (L134) and they said this one sorta looks similar. I think hes around 5-7 cms. I think hes a clown pleco from what ive seen on the net!
Thanks for replying.Hes just staying on the filter,where he is in the pic,is this normal?
I'm with Alex and Carmen on this one - either an L104 or an L204, but I could be completely wrong. How big is he? I'm more inclined to think L104 clown plec, as juvenile flash plecs are black and white/cream, and as they age they do go browner but they generally lose some of their stripes too.
I'm also leaning towards L104 - Clown plec.

Don't worry, he's just settling down. It will take him a few days before he is right at home. Do you have bogwood for him to eat?? They are primarily wood eaters. One of my L134's STILL likes to spend time against the one filter.

Look forward to some more pics of him once he's settled. Sexing is still a bit far off. He still needs a more months of growth.

clown - just like my lil buddy.

mmmm rock.....

Let's get the human guys!
Hi thanks for the replies,yeah i think its a clown pleco too. I really like him but i originally wanted a leopard frog l134 but i was advised this;its probs for the best to as i dont want to go killing a pretty exspensive fish. Well this is my first pleco,except for 2 otoclinus! :hyper: I added a algae tablet in today for the other fish,not expecting the plec to eat ( as hes still settling in) and when the other fish finished,he came along and had some! :D I had some lettuce in there to but he didnt touch it.
Yeah i have bogwood,all my shrimp are constatly inside it,kinda a bummer as i cant see them very often :rolleyes:
this guy actually chews on bogwood and eats bloodworms, and some sinking tablets.

otos aren't plecs either. But they're still cool.
otos aren't plecs either. But they're still cool.

Technically, otos are plecs. "Plec" is a term that covers all loricariidae. The name "plec" comes from hypostomus plecostomoides (or plecostomus - I always get them mixed up!) which used to be our "common plec", the name stuck with all other species of loricariidae despite there being only one true "plec", so technically most of our "plecs" aren't...well...plecs. But otos are in the loricariidae family, so really just as much a "plec" as a royal, gold nugget, bristlenose, or any of our other "plecs".

Confused? :blink:
otos aren't plecs either. But they're still cool.

Technically, otos are plecs. "Plec" is a term that covers all loricariidae. The name "plec" comes from hypostomus plecostomoides (or plecostomus - I always get them mixed up!) which used to be our "common plec", the name stuck with all other species of loricariidae despite there being only one true "plec", so technically most of our "plecs" aren't...well...plecs. But otos are in the loricariidae family, so really just as much a "plec" as a royal, gold nugget, bristlenose, or any of our other "plecs".

Confused? :blink:

Well put ;) :good:
I wish my Clown Plecs would come out of the bogwood caves and shell ornament wotsit long enough to take photos.....


This is as good as it gets...... and yes - your plec looks exactly like my Clown plecs!

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