Identify my fish!!

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Jul 21, 2005
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North Lincolnshire, UK
We recently aquired a 70 litre/15 uk gallon tank and some fish (plus all the usual kit)

its all set up and doing well, but we have no idea what any of the fish are :D (well we know that we have 2 Black Molly's but thats it)

some pics!



we know he's a Cichlid, I think...


angel fish?


they sit on the bottom of the tank and the sides aswell...

any help much appreciated :D cheers.
The last picture is a Chinese Algae Eater. The first two pics are some kind of Cichlid :dunno: . The third picture I have no idea :dunno: .
off the top of my head, those first two pictures could be:
--Jack Dempsey cichlids (medium and violent)
--Green Terror cichlids (large and violent)
--White Suam cichlids (huge and violent)
You'll want to get confirmation of this from the New World Cichlid guys ASAP. The smallest of those three cichlids reaches 8" in length, so your 15g tank is far too small in any case. sorry. :/

the third picture is a skirt tetra. they come in white and black variants and will go nicely with your mollies. :)

the last picture is a Chinese Algae Eater. they grow quite large and are very aggressive. whatever you decide to do about the cichlids, do the exact same thing with the CAE.
thanks guys, thats great....

I'm sorry if there's been some confusion, there is only 1 cichlid in the tank, I just put up the 2 pictures so you could get a good look at it :)

So, knowing that there is only one cichlid in the tank would we still be able to keep it?

We inherited the fish and tank from a friend of the family who were moving house and didn't have room. They have had the tank since December last year and the fish have been together since then with no problems so far.

Do we really need to get rid of the cichlid as I would love to keep him, he's a georgous fish!

thanks again.
It would seem a good idea to rehome the cichlid and the algae eater (that one definitely needs to go, believe me, I had two once and it was a BAD mistake), then get some more tetras as they are schooling fish. 15 gallons is smallish so you'll have to be a bit careful with numbers.
ok, now I know what the fish are, thats great guys.

so at the moment we have these fish

1x green terror
3x japanese algae eaters
2x tetra
2x black molly

Now I know that I'm going to have to re-home the GT and the algae eaters so what fish will go well with the tetra and black molly's?
Cories! Cories are great little fish, and they also look good in schools. :)

They won't eat algae though...
anyone else have any ideas of a non agressive algae eater?

how about a siamese version, I hear that they aren't aggressive at all and will get along with most fish.
Otos are great little fish, you need to keep them in groups, but as they're small this isn't a problem. Or a bulldog (rubberlipped) pleco, they are really cute and only get to 3 or 4 inches. Both will eat algae.





Cories are really cute bottom dwellers, but won't keep your glass or plants clean of algae. You could get a snail for this though - snails are pretty cute too!




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