Identify My Cichlid?


New Member
Apr 21, 2012
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I bought this m/f pair and another one as starters for my 36 gal but I didn't pay attention to what I was getting! I don't see them pictured in the species index thread. I'm hoping to know the species so that I can look up what they will look like as they get older and color up.





Thanks in advance!
First fish is a Aulonocara German Red
the second is a victorian african cichlid, Zebra obliquidens :good:
The first 2 look like some sort of Aulonocara. And those variegated plants are non-aquatic...
Thanks for the quick answers. Im pretty excited about the color potential for the German Red. I hope he mans up nicely. I may even get him a couple more females and see what happens. As to the plants, they were cheap and I didn't really expect them to last this long with the Cichlids anyways. But yeah, 3 weeks submerged and they are now starting to develop dead spots. Once they get real bad I'll pull them out. I'll be ordering some Anubias to tie to the rocks soon.

Thanks again for the quick replies and the correct info!
Anytime, Yeah the german Reds are a beautiful fish. What size tank are they in if you dont mind me asking? Get him some females some sandy substrate and good water conditions and he should display well. :good:
Anytime, Yeah the german Reds are a beautiful fish. What size tank are they in if you dont mind me asking? Get him some females some sandy substrate and good water conditions and he should display well. :good:

36g bowfront; a bit small, I'm learning. I intend to stock it to around 10 or 12 cichlids and a couple of cats, with an upgrade to a canister filter rated for 70 gals. Or maybe 100gals. But im not sure if something like a Fluval 406 would be TOO much flow for a tank my size..

I do wish I'd have gone with sand from the start.. Is it ok to completely change substrate once the tank has cycled? I'm trying to wrap my mind around how it would be done.

So far it seems my water is doing good. 3 weeks in I'm at .50 ammonia just before a water change and my tap puts out at around 8.0 ph. I still need to buy a master test kit to get all my levels tested.

Having an ich thing right now and am running the tank at 87 degrees F and have added aquarium salt as of today to try and get that managed.. I currently have my hands full.
A vid of my tank from two weeks ago. Too many fish to start.. again, I'm learning. But I'm going to do what I can to get them through this mini-crisis. Daily water changes are my norm, currently.

Uploaded in HD if you care to see it that way.


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