identify me please

That's a Chinese Algae Eater, isn't it? You know, the aggressive varmint we've been discussing on another discussion thread (the one entititled "Chinese Algae Eaters - random thought").
Sure is, and a big one at that.
baseballfan111 said:
they dont eat alge once they get big do they???
Some do and some don't. From what I've heard a majority don't once they mature. Mine never did either once they matured.
Whisper Odinsky said:
how many different kinds of them are there?
are there any good sites on how to identify them (pictures work well with me)
(THX btw guys)
Huh? There's only one kind of CAE and that's a CAE.

You can get Siamese Algae Eaters, but they're a completely different fish. They don't even look remotely similar. SAEs are schooling fish who swim about the middle of the tank; CAEs are loners who stick mostly to the bottom. SAEs are fairly small, CAEs are like whales in comparison.

Here's a picture of one. Don't be fooled by the fact it's been photographed on the bottom - they probably scared it or something! Mine usually sits on a leaf and surveys the tank.


For comparison, here's a picture of a CAE (which is very blurry and doesn't show the fact that it's got a sucker mouth, unlike the SAE, has a bobbly pattern and no fin sticking up out of the middle of it's back):

Here's a clearer picture of a CAE so you can tell the difference. Note the "join-the-dot" markings on his back and the suckermouth.


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