Identify And Sexing Of My Baby Betta.


I'm in Planted School.
Jan 6, 2012
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I bought this betta a few months ago when petco had to dumb idea to sell baby bettas. It almost died and did a lot of nose in the corner and laying on the bottom for the few week. I did daily water changes and fed it often in small portions...It was the size of my thumbnail.

Now it's huge!!! Any idea on if it is male or female. Also what kind of betta is it? I'll go research if I must but you crazy betta people could probably answer faster :)

I've been a betta keeper my whole life, but I've only had veil-tails and crowntails until recently.

Last question...does it's face look ok? Looked a little rough to me, but bettas tend to look rough anyway.




really? The back fin is a rounded shape...he seemed perfectly content not to flare at me while in the measuring cup...I should maybe get another pic.
Makes sensee, just compared him to juvenile veil tails...the rounded tail will probably fill out. Thanks :)
:lol: He was in the keriug. I needed something dark behind him, he was in a measuring cup lol He lives in my kitchen.

Thanks Oldman :) He almost died, he was so tiny when I got him. I always get attached to my bettas like no other fish.
Thanks. I love this little dude. I spend so much time in my kitchen, so he's the fish I watch the most.

Nice betta beanz8! I wanted Rhett to flare at me but he was enjoying his cup too much.

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