Identification Help/deformity?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 13, 2007
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I got two very small corydoras at walmart today.


I LOVED this ones design, he seemed to be the only one in there with spots, so i got him. Can i have a guess as to what species? i looked around a bit and found a few species i thought he might be, but the spots just dont look right. Also, if youll look at this tail area, there is a slight dip just before his tailfin. Is this just a deformity? i would think it is, but then im not positive on what species he is.
More pics:




Thanks everyone! :good:
that is very interesting....thanks for the identification! is the curved spine a common thing?

(it doesnt seem to effect his swimming at all, he gets around just as fast as the other little cutie-cory)
that is very interesting....thanks for the identification! is the curved spine a common thing?
It's not common, but it is by no means rare. It is one of the more commn deformities, though. If you get my drift.

(it doesnt seem to effect his swimming at all, he gets around just as fast as the other little cutie-cory)
The fish should be able to lead a perfectly normal life. Just be sure it doesn't wind up in a breeding group, as it's not something you'd want to pass to any progeny. - Frank
I dont have any intention of breeding the little guys yet, though id LOVE to sometime in the future. im happy to keep him/them happy and healthy for the time being. ^_^ Thankyou again for your expertese, i really appreciate it.
That is it. We also call it peppered. They are really easy to breed... If you get more be careful. There will be eggs everywhere before you know it!
i'll keep that in mind! ive never bred egg-bearers before.....when i do though i will definitely try with C. paleatus/peppered corys, if they are easy. i cant wait! ^_^

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