Well, I am downsizing and changing around some of my stocking. I don't really know what to do with my 80g. Right know I have 3 7-10" Macrognathus arals, an 8" gold severum, and a 7" bgk. The tank is a 4' x 20". I know that may not be enough for the bgk for life and I do have a home for it if it gets to big, my friends 150g (which used to be mine).
Does anybody have any recommendations as to what would go well with this community? I want maybe one or two oddballs that have a lot of character and/or are rather strange looking. I don't mind if they do nothing or are nocturnal. I was thinking maybe a palmas bichir or a group of rope fish. Anybody have any other suggestions? Maybe some top to mid water fish?
Does anybody have any recommendations as to what would go well with this community? I want maybe one or two oddballs that have a lot of character and/or are rather strange looking. I don't mind if they do nothing or are nocturnal. I was thinking maybe a palmas bichir or a group of rope fish. Anybody have any other suggestions? Maybe some top to mid water fish?