

Fish Addict
Aug 25, 2007
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Well, I am downsizing and changing around some of my stocking. I don't really know what to do with my 80g. Right know I have 3 7-10" Macrognathus arals, an 8" gold severum, and a 7" bgk. The tank is a 4' x 20". I know that may not be enough for the bgk for life and I do have a home for it if it gets to big, my friends 150g (which used to be mine).

Does anybody have any recommendations as to what would go well with this community? I want maybe one or two oddballs that have a lot of character and/or are rather strange looking. I don't mind if they do nothing or are nocturnal. I was thinking maybe a palmas bichir or a group of rope fish. Anybody have any other suggestions? Maybe some top to mid water fish?

Yeah, a group of ropefish (6) and an Polypterus delhezi.
Maybe get a single Channa or a few Channa bankanensis which are the only channa you can actually shoal without many problems at all.
Perhaps a Geophagus/a few Urau?
80 Gall, at the minute id be looking at fish on the ban list and a breeding project over anything else. Channa, Eels etc....
Hmmm, never thought of a breeding project. Are any polypterus or spiny eels easier to breed than others? How 'bout some Crenichla? Anybody have any experience trying to breed these? I have kept these before (a lone C. compressiceps in a 20g) but never tried to breed them. Any other rare fish to start a breeding project with?

Breeding with a gold sev?! You'd be lucky if you got them out in time.

However it is a good idea if you can seperate or actually can take out fish quickly enough.
Thought about trying to breed channa?
If I did attempt to breed anything, I would remove all the tankmates (besides the species being bred of course). As I am in the States, Channas are illegal to import or carry across state lines. If I could find a few in my state I would certainly love to try that, but rare fish are already hard to come by in my state and I highly doubt anybody with a channa would want to give it up!

Any other suggestions? Would really like to try breeding some preds but having a hard time deciding on which one. WHat would be some good starter pred to breed? I have never bred preds before, but have bred some other harder to breed fish.


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