ideas on bristlenose


Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2004
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in a riceball far far away in other words northern
i was thinking about getting some for my 30 gallon when and if i get it. if you havent heard my sis's friend has a 30 shes not using but she sin florida right now and my sis told her not to think about it until she gets back.. soo i was thinking about getting a male and female bristlenose and put some tetras danios etc in there... or any ideas on what fish... oh yah im going to put all the fish in my 10 gallon in the 30

okay do bristlenose eat their own eggs? will the dad protect the free swimming fish from being eaten from other fish?? do they need growout tanks?? with they work with danios tetras corys guppies and a molly?
Yes, Bristlenoses will get to around 6 inches or so.

As for the breeding, they will not eat their own eggs, and are very good parents. Well to be acurate, the father is a very good parent, the mother lays the eggs and abandons them. The father then looks after the eggs, and raises the young fish. Quite fascinating to watch

Have a look in the Catfish Cradle forum, and there are quite a lot of posts about Bristlenoses, and breeding of them.

there are quite a few types of bristle nose, some are very secretive and shy,mine only comes out when its quiet or the lighs are down.
my lad loves seeing him ,its like a personal goal to him if he can sneak up on the tank and see Spikey

My Bristlenose have given birth just under a week ago :thumbs: . The dad is wicked if any of my other fish get to close he goes mental and chases them away.

The babies will be fine with the dad as long as you have places for them to hide(Mind are under a log). They stay well hidden I have seen Two or three little tails wagging but if dad sees your reflection he covers them up instantly.

Don't know how many babies i have yet (there were at least 15 eggs i saw).

When they are not breading the are still quality fish to have in a tank, i have no algae (i have 3, 1 Male and 2 Females)

Good Luck if you get them :D :D :D :D
Bristle nosed cats can be bred very easily depending on your tank layout they need somewhere they can protect the young or they sometimes won't even bother trying to breed> The male looks after the fry and cares for them until they are a couple of weeks old.After that they should be fine on their own> Most species of bristle nosed cats grow to around four or five inches in small aquariums.
The best way to get them to breed is start by putting a 3" diameter pipe in the tank and have the openings facing the out flow from your filter, i have manged to find a bamboo ceramic log that mine breed in and this has been placed on rocks to raise it of the tank floor a few inches one opening faces the filter inlet so that there is a flow of water through the pipe, they seem to prefer this. feed them with pre soaked flake and algae tabs and they will be fine. They can be very shy and sectertive but only show agression to other fish when the male has eggs .I have found that this takes the form of raising his head up and spreading every fin out. If that fails to discourage any hungary fish a head butt usually works. Any other questions on cat fish let me know,,, be glad to help


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