Ideas For Stocking? Please Help!


New Member
Feb 19, 2011
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I am getting a 25 gallon tank any ideas for stocking fish. I'm new at this :good:
Hmmm.... an easy to find, easy to keep fish, that in my opinion is underappreciated. As a bonus, they should be pretty cheap too.

Puntius titteya - Cherry Barb

Some Google'd pictures:


Size - 2" would be a large adult, 1.5" more likely
Temperature - around 76/77 deg F
pH - shouldn't be a huge issue, they are tolerant of most everything (within reason), slightly acidic is better though (for most barbs)
Diet - nothing really fancy, live or frozen once in awhile to supplement a good flake/pellet staple food

These are peaceful (tend NOT to nip fins like many other barbs), very colorful fish, and can be happy in most small setups. Great for small planted setups too, as they also tend to not decimate plants like some of the larger barb species. Many times these will display and spawn in a heavily planted community tank with no real effort, although they will eat eggs/fry (like most barb species).

Edit: As a side note, I should point out that many times when you see these in the store, they are mostly or (more likely) ALL females because many people like the red colored males best and leave the females (which are still very nice looking fish). A shame.
Something easy and rather small. I'm very open minded. :lol:
Hmmm.... an easy to find, easy to keep fish, that in my opinion is underappreciated. As a bonus, they should be pretty cheap too.

Puntius titteya - Cherry Barb

Some Google'd pictures:


Size - 2" would be a large adult, 1.5" more likely
Temperature - around 76/77 deg F
pH - shouldn't be a huge issue, they are tolerant of most everything (within reason), slightly acidic is better though (for most barbs)
Diet - nothing really fancy, live or frozen once in awhile to supplement a good flake/pellet staple food

These are peaceful (tend NOT to nip fins like many other barbs), very colorful fish, and can be happy in most small setups. Great for small planted setups too, as they also tend to not decimate plants like some of the larger barb species. Many times these will display and spawn in a heavily planted community tank with no real effort, although they will eat eggs/fry (like most barb species).

Edit: As a side note, I should point out that many times when you see these in the store, they are mostly or (more likely) ALL females because many people like the red colored males best and leave the females (which are still very nice looking fish). A shame.
Something easy and rather small. I'm very open minded. :lol:

Thanks! Will they live peacefully with Dwarf Gouramis? Also do they school?
Thanks! Will they live peacefully with Dwarf Gouramis? Also do they school?

These fish should do fine wiht Dwarf Gouramis. They are not a true schooling/shoaling fish, so they will not form a tight pack like zebra danios or tiger barbs. With a large enough group, however, you should see the males darken (to appear as the "most desirable" male in the tank) and display to the females.

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