Ideas For Location For Powerheads


Fish Herder
Sep 23, 2008
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I always knew it was going to happen, I am tired of seeing mbuna poop on my nice sand.

I have been playing with locations for two powerheads that I have installed, in an effort to try and churn the waste up a little so it can be sucked into the filter but I have had no luck...

The tank is a metre long with a rocky island in the middle with clear swimming space at the front and the back. Is this where the problems start? Should I have all the rocks along the back wall...?

I have both powerheads on the left side of the tank aiming towards the filter inlet that is on the right side of the tank. All that happens is the poop is blown around and then finds a slow spot to settle, so I just get piles of poop instead of having it strewn about the place.

Is there a better position for my powerheads and filter inlet? Do i need to start by putting my rocks along the back wall of the tank?

guidance appreciated. thanks
You could always drop a bioball (or something that will sink but not stay put on the sand) in and watch where it goes. Did this a few times with my old reef tank to work out where the flow was going.
Yeah, I'm having the same issue, Although I'm considering getting a power head with a Filter attachment And just putting it on the opposite side of the tank of my other filter. on the back like at an angle towards the front. :S
using a bioball is a good idea - to see where the flow is lowest. However that isnt really the problem since the poop buildup is already showing me the dead zones.

I guess I have to keep trying, trial and error style.

If any hints and tips are out there - please shout.
Even simple things like slightly changing the orientation of decor like stones and wood can help eliminate dead spots.

The bioball idea shows you how the debris ends up in the dead spot not just where they are ;)

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