Ideas For Future Fishies


Jan 14, 2013
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Hello everyone.  At present I have six guppies, two mollies, one female betta, one male dwarf gourami (red), two weather loaches, two kuhli loaches, and one pygmy cory, with the hopes of adding a small group of neons/cardinals or a mix of the two, and a bamboo shrimp. (20 gallon tank, I suppose you would say...lightly planted, with a few good hidey holes)
My question is, when (and hopefully not for a good while) both my betta and my gourami are no more, would it be feasible to add a pearl gourami? I know they are a little larger, and with the suggestion of one inch of fish per gallon, I was hoping the combined sizes of the dwarf gourami and betta would free up enough space for a nice flashy pearl. Although I suspect more than one would be out of the question.  At least until I become a millionaire and get a tank room added to the house =p
I would say that when you add neons the tank would be fully/ over stocked with a pearl gourami which need a 30 gallon tank.
I don't intend on adding a Pearl until some of my current fishes die off, certainly not with everything I have now
I would say the first thing on your list to add would be more pygmy cories. They are a shoaling species and should be kept in groups of 6 or more, but will do alright in a group of 4. I currently have 3 pearls in my 55g, and if you wait until the dwarf and beta die, there should be enough room for one pearl. Though if you plan on adding a pearl, I would skip adding the neons/cardinals. The pearl is already pushing the limits of the tank, and more small fish will just make it that much more cramped for the large gourami. Just my opinion. If you have enough filtration to handle the bioload of all the fish, then theoretically you could add a dozen more fish, granted, they won't be exactly comfortable. And on top of it, the '1 inch of adult fish per gallon of water' rule is a misconception. The rule is really directed towards narrow bodied fish, such as guppies, platies, tetras, etc. My personal advice would be to add in 4 or 5 pygmy cories, and when the time comes, add in your 1 pearl gourami and leave it at that.
Yeah most of my fish are guppies, and really I was seeing if they, pearls, work with little fish, cause I have seen they like similar sized companions, which I can't do. And as for my Pygmy, it was in a group of four when I got it, but they have all died off, he's a happy little fish though, very active, I call him Busy. I don't plan on keeping more Millie's after my pair goes, by the time I get that Pearl my hopes are for neons/cardinals, guppies and the Pearl, and my loaches.
Pearl gouramis will not hurt small fish 90% of the time outside of breeding period. But they won't do well in a 20 gallon. They get to 12-15 cm when fully grown and would be stressed by the other labyrinth organ fish in that tank.
Ok, thanks, again though, it would be the only labyrinth fish at that time, it's not something I was planning on doing for a good long time, I plan on enjoying my dwarf and betta as long as they feel like sticking around. When, and only when they depart would I even consider adding anything as big as a pearl. I do thank everyone for their advice. I certainly have plenty of time to think on everything, may even change my mind by then who knows.
Sparkling gouramis are also looking pretty awesome to me... what does everyone suggest about them? (just looking for info/advice/suggestions)  Keeping them with cardinals a good idea? guppies?  or just a pile of them with my bottom feeders?
Since some were concerned about my betta/ gourami situation, I would like to say that the betta has been moved, though that decision had nothing to do with the gourami, she basically cracked out and ate the heck out of a guppy.  She's in her own tank, albeit small, but it's got a heater and a filter.

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