Ideas for Fish!


Fish Addict
Sep 18, 2003
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Ok im getting a little school of tetras and 2 panda cories. I was also wondering if i could get maybe 2 gouramis as well. I would raither get less tetras then 2 gourami. If you could give me some info as to what fish i should get.
Oh well....all tetras will do well with your get them by all means...lemon tetra, emperor tetra, congo tetra etc are good since they are peaceful...zebra danios are good also...harlequins, white cloud mountain minnows or cherry barbs are good choices since they are nice and peaceful for your community of fishes
Shoto^Guy is right, all tetras will do well with your fishes, but in such a small tank I would not recommend Congo tetras which will get far too large :crazy:

Harlequins are nice small schoolers, not sure you could fit many cherry barbs in....minnows would be no problem. zebra danios would be fine of course!

I still think you can't beat a nice school of 10 or more neon tetras....but if your tank is new I would wait a couple of months before you get these.

I would have thought a couple of small gouramis (maybe honey) would be ok with two cories and a small shoal of small tetras.....

what do the rest of you guys think???? :thumbs:
I still think you can't beat a nice school of 10 or more neon tetras....but if your tank is new I would wait a couple of months before you get these.

I would never recommend this many in a ten gallon tank if you want to have any other fish in your tank. With ten neons, which are not very hardy by the way, you would not have room for anything else in your tank. Only very experienced (or very dumb) aquarium owners keep more fish than their tank can hold. I would recommend upgrading to a much larger tank if you want a lot of fish.

While fishless cycling speeds up the cycling process slightly, each time you add new fish you still have to do it slowly so that the bacteria in your tank can catch up with the new workload. If you
I would have thought a couple of small gouramis (maybe honey) would be ok with two cories and a small shoal of small tetras.....

Sounds good to me! :D make sure its Honey gouramis tho, others would be too big

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