ideas for fish to get


New Member
Feb 29, 2004
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Titusville, FL
I was wondering if anyone knew what are some smaller fish to put in a tank? I am cycling a tank as we type and am making plans(to try and keep my sanity). I would like to put a couple honey gouramis in and was thinking about some smaller fish. The tank is 29 us gallons.
Thank you.
The tetras and cories that snowyangel suggested are excellent choices. I have also had great success with zebra danios with my gouramis. At first i thought all the activity at the same level in the tank would spook the gouramis but all seem to have adjusted well.
Harlequin Rasboras stay small and school rather nicely. I just added some to my 29g with two Pearl Gourami. So far, they're getting along swimmingly... :D

There are some great non-nippy barbs as well. Gold barbs and cherry barbs come to mind. Obviously avoid the tiger barbs.

A group of small corys, otos, or loaches would do fine on the bottom, depending on your personal preference, substrate, and additional stocking plans. Find something you specifically like and ask about it!

HTH! :thumbs:
White Clouds are great beginner fish. I bought 6 of them when I began my tank and after 4 weeks they're all doing great. They don't grow very big, 1-2 inches at the max, and they rarely eat their young, so you wont have to worry about taking out the mommy before birth.
you could go for some rummynose or scissor tails, they also shoal nicely but grow a little larger.
my friend put neon tetras and gouramis together and the next week he told me that the gouramis ate / killed the tetras i found it a bit odd but hey it happened
and he has a 30g tank so u'd think the gourami would have enough room not to be aggressive towards the tetras
Its not just volume but surface area. The fish have to not directly SEE the other fish. anything less that 4" can not begin to take care of this issue, unless you place massive amounts of rock, plants or other diy structures.

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