Idea's For A Very Small Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2006
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I saw this on ebay, qute like it, and i think could look cool in the bathroom / kitchen.
What could you put in this tank? I would say betta's need at least 2gallon, but thats opinion, some people say 1 gallon some say 5.
But lets not get into that debate.

Could there be anything that could be placed in there?

Thank you.

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Well no filter so anything that doesn't make to much of a mess. I'd try plants and maybe an ADF, or endlers livebearer.
wouldn't put any fish in there, maybe a shrimp or snail, tank that size though with no filter your looking 100% water changes daily.... rather you than me!
to me, any 'tank' small enough to make a betta uncomfortable is not a tank at all...
I don't think a Betta is a good idea, thats far too small. Like everyone else has said maybe a shrimp or 2 at a push. Maybe you could just make it look nice with plants?
deffently NO fish, how cruel would it be to be kept in that for your life, plus with no filter, heater or lid, its a betta death trap. i doubt any shrimps will be happy in that either, and as much as snails annoy me in my tanks, i still wouldnt put one in their, it could look nice as a just plant tank, but what a waste on money to buy it just for plants, even a 3 gallon heated and filtered would look good with a betta and plants.

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