Ideas For A 48 X 12 X 14


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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Ive got this tank in my bedroom and im wondering what to do with it
Now im a little limited funds wise at the moment but could I have this tank marine with some live rock and an internal power filter just to keep some marine fish. This would mean no special lighting or corals just salt water some live rock and the filter? Or would I have to go dowm the skimmer, full live rock and light route?
So thats somewhere at 35g right?

The kind of tank you are referring to is a FOWLR(fish only with live rock). It could definately be done and the most expensive part of that would be the live rock. Keep an eye out on any sites for someone breaking a marine tank down, you might be able to find really live rock for a steal. I'm not sure how much you would need, the calculator is saying 15kg of lr, but I'm not sure if that's right?

Since there will be no corals, the light unit doesn't really matter as much. Yea, okay, so regular T5 double strip doesn't look as good as say, metal halide. But the cool thing with a FOWLR is you can start anywhere and slowly build up to what you ultimately want, such as a reef or a complete upgrade. And the need for a protein skimmer goes out the window. Skimmers are nice no matter what, but with no corals and the right fish selection, it's not absolutely needed.

The biggest equipment factor is going to be your powerheads. You'll want ~20x for really nice filtration through the lr. Again, not really a necessity to have 20x turnover in a fowlr, could probably get away with ~15x turnover, but this is your only means of filtration.

Have you had any ideas about what kind of fish you would want in it?
I *really* hate this idea of no filtration but liverock and turnover, its a personal thing and i dont care how many people prove that the water quality is just great with no real filtration...

To be honest it limits it if you want to mess around with stuff like rowaphos or a refugium etc or sponges, if you have nothing to take the crud out the water, in the long run you just get one of those tanks full of so much muck. Urgh would drive me nuts.

I had FOWLR tanks running on the biggest Classic Eheim External and thats it, all it had was 5 round sponges and i cleaned it every month.. ish.. maybe 2-3 months as depended on what i was feeding, it didnt do too much but did clear the water.

Internal filters are no good on marine, the metal parts generally rust and clog up with all the crustaceans determined to live in it. Honestly.

You can pic up decent external for pittence on fleabay!

I ran tank without a skimmer, but being bigger fish, even without corals etc, id NEVER run one without a skimmer again, filthy ruddy fish! I had 2 x Yellow Tangs, 1 x Juvenile Passer Angel and 1 x Juvenile Volitans (tangs were maybe 3" nose to tail, passer maybe 2.5-3" and the Volitans was 1" to start with and ended up 6" before he kindly wiped out tank for me). Tank was 260L sorry. With powerhead and eheim, think it was 2217? biggest classic either way..

Skimmers are important either way i think unless you are brave or determined to make things harder than is needed :p FOWLR generally means fish with high protein diet = lots of waste.. = protein skimmer is sensible!
Plant it up, Simon! No skimmer, less flow needed and you get your own in house filtration along with the LR. You'll need better lighting though.

Just can't have fish that eat plants. :D

You have three different options presented. Very interesting.

I think i managed to make my post sound really rude or like a dig at people.... i dont know, it honestly wasnt meant that way... if anyone read it as rude then im really sorry.. id edit it buy my heads all over the place lol
I think i managed to make my post sound really rude or like a dig at people.... i dont know, it honestly wasnt meant that way... if anyone read it as rude then im really sorry.. id edit it buy my heads all over the place lol

To each their own my friend. Your point is very valid and I would recommend it as well however I was giving the lowest budget possible for a marine. Haha :good:
to be honest if I ever do the FOWLR I'll do it on a bigger scale as I wants volitans and morays.

Ive just got this tank there with no idea what to do with it and Im doing my marine again reef wise on the smaller scale with my river reef 94

I shall have a good thinkn cheers for suggestions :good:
Wartakin angler and dwarf lionfish and carpet eels (they are technically a blenny but you wouldn't know it) are a great start to keeping predatory fish.
I wouldn't put a carpet eel in there. If you are talking about this: Congrogadus subducens

I would go with a Fu Manchu Lionfish! Very colorful fish, but it's important to buy one that's adjusted to tank life already if you can. Such as from Diver's Den. I have some DD stuff coming in today(love'em)!

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