I am looking for a few ideas, suggestions, support at setting up a new planted tropical community aquarium, I live in a flat so space and unfortunately money is limited so as much as I would love a big tank I must get a smaller one, I am looking at getting the Interpet River Reef 94L (20 UK gallons) (RR94) aquarium from my LFS (Maidenhead Aquatics in Woking) as this seems to be the best compromise on space, size and function.
It comes with:
Lighting - 2 high output T5 lights (10,000K), plus 8 blue LED light for a moonlight effect (of no functional value but actually look quite snazzy), not sure what watts per gallon this works out as.
Filtration: A built in 3 stage filtration (1. Mechanical - bioballs and foam to trap particulate matter, 2. biological filter, 3. chemical - carbon which requires changing every 4-8 weeks)
Heating - Supplied with an Interpet Deltatherm Heater.
Powerheads: It has two power heads 550 litres per hour (lph) giving a total of 1100 lph (should turn over the water about 10 times an hour)
CO2: Hagen CO2 natural plant system
Fish: I have not fully decided on what to have yet, the definite ones I want, once the tank has matured are Cardinal Tetras, I also like the look of Harlequin Rasboras and Dwarf Gourami.
Invertebrates: Cherry Shrimp + maybe a type of snail?
Chlorine Treatment: Seachem Prime
Substrate: Eco Complete planted substrate
Decoration: a little stack of smallish pieces of slate and a nice piece of Redmoor wood
Plants: I like the look of Spiral Vallisneria and a smallish, big leaved Anubias for the front near the slate maybe Petite Nana (Anubias barteri 'Petite') but what else
Plant Feed: I wanted an easy all in one relatively cheap feed so was looking at the Tetra PlantMin, as this seemed to cover all the basis and is shrimp safe.
My main questions are:
1) Does the set up I suggest above sound OK for a planted tank? are there any points I am missing have to consider, bearing in mind I am on a budget?
2) Sources of Redmoor wood (the nice fingered/branchy type pieces) and Slate as my LFS does not stock these, I have seen some redmoor on the Aqua Essentials and Green Machine websites are there any other sources? for slate could I just by slate from the garden centre then wash it in boiling water or something?
3) I was looking at the Eco Complete planted substrate, this seems to have had very good reviews and I like the look of the black colour, I think one 20lb bag should give me just over about 2" deep substrate in the tank, Would this be deep enough? I would have to order this online as my LFS only stocks JBL AquaBasis, not sure if any one has any thoughts on the merits of the two.
3) Plants any good suggestions?
Many thanks in advance
I am looking for a few ideas, suggestions, support at setting up a new planted tropical community aquarium, I live in a flat so space and unfortunately money is limited so as much as I would love a big tank I must get a smaller one, I am looking at getting the Interpet River Reef 94L (20 UK gallons) (RR94) aquarium from my LFS (Maidenhead Aquatics in Woking) as this seems to be the best compromise on space, size and function.
It comes with:
Lighting - 2 high output T5 lights (10,000K), plus 8 blue LED light for a moonlight effect (of no functional value but actually look quite snazzy), not sure what watts per gallon this works out as.
Filtration: A built in 3 stage filtration (1. Mechanical - bioballs and foam to trap particulate matter, 2. biological filter, 3. chemical - carbon which requires changing every 4-8 weeks)
Heating - Supplied with an Interpet Deltatherm Heater.
Powerheads: It has two power heads 550 litres per hour (lph) giving a total of 1100 lph (should turn over the water about 10 times an hour)
CO2: Hagen CO2 natural plant system
Fish: I have not fully decided on what to have yet, the definite ones I want, once the tank has matured are Cardinal Tetras, I also like the look of Harlequin Rasboras and Dwarf Gourami.
Invertebrates: Cherry Shrimp + maybe a type of snail?
Chlorine Treatment: Seachem Prime
Substrate: Eco Complete planted substrate
Decoration: a little stack of smallish pieces of slate and a nice piece of Redmoor wood
Plants: I like the look of Spiral Vallisneria and a smallish, big leaved Anubias for the front near the slate maybe Petite Nana (Anubias barteri 'Petite') but what else
Plant Feed: I wanted an easy all in one relatively cheap feed so was looking at the Tetra PlantMin, as this seemed to cover all the basis and is shrimp safe.
My main questions are:
1) Does the set up I suggest above sound OK for a planted tank? are there any points I am missing have to consider, bearing in mind I am on a budget?
2) Sources of Redmoor wood (the nice fingered/branchy type pieces) and Slate as my LFS does not stock these, I have seen some redmoor on the Aqua Essentials and Green Machine websites are there any other sources? for slate could I just by slate from the garden centre then wash it in boiling water or something?
3) I was looking at the Eco Complete planted substrate, this seems to have had very good reviews and I like the look of the black colour, I think one 20lb bag should give me just over about 2" deep substrate in the tank, Would this be deep enough? I would have to order this online as my LFS only stocks JBL AquaBasis, not sure if any one has any thoughts on the merits of the two.
3) Plants any good suggestions?
Many thanks in advance