Ideal Temp For Goldies Please?


Fish Maniac
May 1, 2008
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Whats the best temp for a goldfish tank, got 2 comets today for my son, in a 50g tank, temp is currently 18c, they just look a little lethargic, so wanted to check?
4-30C temperatures don't really matter although there metabolism is linked. Mine are very active in the pond atm which is I am guessing 12-14C. They could just be nervous and also they like to hang around in shoals very slowly circling the tank.
Thanks, I know its a wide range, they are more active now and have eaten.
Its more important that temps dont fluctuate wildly.

digestion only takes place efffectively above 10 c and ideally no more than 22c

when dealing with sick fish a higher temp is better as the fishes immune system works better.

fish in ponds struggle in the spring and autumn becaue fluctuations take their toll on them and diseases take hold better.

18c is about the av temp in an average home without a heater, but if theres no central heating then having a heater set to a low point will stop too much in way of fluctuations.
Thank you black angel, I will pop a heater in there and set it to 15c so it never goes below that, it shouldnt as the house temp doesnt drop low this time of year and during the winter the central heating is on.

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