Ideal Tank Size For Freshwater Puffer?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score
Ayrshire, Scotland
I'm looking to get 6-8 green spotted puffers in a species only tank, what would be an ideal size for them and what kind of stuff do they like in the tank, plants, sand or gravel etc. etc.

I'm looking to get 6-8 green spotted puffers in a species only tank, what would be an ideal size for them and what kind of stuff do they like in the tank, plants, sand or gravel etc. etc.


Green spotted puffers are not freshwater but brackish to full marine puffers, do check for related posts in the brackish forums and using the search tools
When I was looking up green spotted puffers a while back briefly, and the website I found said they're very messy and nippy, and recommend 50 gallons of water per puffer :crazy:

I don't know the credibility of the site, and I've never been to interested in getting a freshwater pufferfish, but that's just my two cents.
As Shovelman says, Green Spotted Puffers (Tetraodon fluviatilis and Tetraodon nigroviridis) need brackish to marine conditions. They are quite large, and while a singleton might be okay in 30-40 gallons, and a pair in 55+ gallons, you would need a very large aquarium to keep eight of them!

Do instead look at the South American Puffer, Colomesus asellus. This small species is sociable and you could easily keep eight of them in as little as 40-55 gallons, and possibly alongside carefully selected tankmates. They are hardy and not fussy about water chemistry, but they do have fast-growing teeth, and periodic dental work is usually required. It's not difficult to do, but not everyone is comfortable doing it.

Cheers, Neale
Thanks for the help, I think I'm possibly getting mixed up, the "South American Puffer" seems to be the one's I seen and fell in love with at the shop.
Be sure you know how to tell them apart!

Figure-8s have yellow edges to the black spots and patches on their backs; SAPs have no yellow, and the black bands form saddles across their backs, together with a distinctive black loop around the caudal peduncle (the stalk the tail fin is attached to).

Keep Figure-8s in freshwater and they'll get sick. Post a photo here if you need to double check their ID.

Cheers, Neale

Thanks for the help, I think I'm possibly getting mixed up, the "South American Puffer" seems to be the one's I seen and fell in love with at the shop.

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