Ideal New Tank, With Sump?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 15, 2009
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I'm looking for a bigger sized tank to transfer my current 18g nano, I've managed to save up what I think would be enough for the transfer.

I'm ideally looking for a second hand tank nothing huge because I don't want it taking up my whole room probably 4 or 5 ft, even if it's a bit dusty i'd rather just give it a good clean rather than dish out hundreds of pound on a new setup. Also I'm not sure if I'll be getting one with a unit or just the tank itself then getting my family to build the stand.

My question is about the sump really, there's an aquatics centre near mine that sells a whole load of second hand aquariums but I'm guessing the majority will have been used for tropical set ups. Is there anything I need to look out for when buying a new tank for a marine set up, I need to do more research on sumps before I actually set it up because I didn't use one on my nano but i'm hoping to buy the tank sometime soon then get the bigger skimmer, lighting, another powerhead or two, more LR and a lot more!

Ideally I hope there are second hand marine aquariums there if not then is it ok to convert a tropical and what do I have to look out for and change to install a sump?

you can use tropical tanks for marine no problem.

Just be aware that copper based meds may have been used at some point. And tempered glass cant be drilled easily.
Also Seffie and someone else linked two fantastic sites, I can't find the post though where they build the tank for you and send it off. Anyone have the link to this I'd like a little look at prices and sizes, probably easier for me to get one set up already :lol:
Yeah it's the other one I'm afraid hehe I've just been on ND aquatics, i'm pretty sure the other one has aquatics in it's name too but it's an entire page with photos of custom tanks, I can't think of what it is!
I know the owner of ND Aquatics. Nice enough guy and he supplies work with their custom tanks. My Discus tank was built by him. It's 18 months old. It came in over budget, late and it's silicone is pealing already. While he is good to talk to and helpful, time keeping and keeping to budget appeared to be a problem in my case. I'm not sure if the delays were down to my tank being a staff order though. One thing is for certain though, it was poor silicone used, or the build technique is rubbish if the silicone is pealing already at 18 months old. I dread the day in the next 6 months when I have to strip it, get 4 big blokes back to lift it out to the garage, re-seam it, water test it and get the guys back again to lift it back in... :/ If it leaks before that, well, the folks won't be happy. Insurance does not cover leaking Aquariums, and it's over the 80g mark...

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