

Fish Fanatic
Nov 4, 2009
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Hi i still havent managed to get photos on here yet but i am trying but i have just looked in my tank and have seen something i have no idea what it is! I have read a lot of threads on 'whats this?' but am still none the wiser! Anyway hope you guys can help me, my tank has been cycling 2 weeks and there is now a worm at least an inch long that i can see but i would say longer because its under my LR, pink from what i can tell with the lights out and a bit furry perhaps with lots of small legs and its not thin! Sorry for rubbish description but can anyone help? Thanks
If it's come in with live ock probably a species of bristle worm. Can be OK, but also known to get quite big. If you don't want it in there, best bet is to buy one of the pest traps (or find a DIY one) and trap it. What you do with it then I don't know!
Do a google search for bristle worms though am sure there are lots of varieties, but the overall look should confirm it.
I first thought of a bristle worm as well, if it is don't touch it :X (Been there... Done that...)

There's no real worry with them (at least the pink ones) they actually aid as part of your CUC. If you are like me however, and hate to look at them, there are a few things you can try to do to rid yourself of them. Unfortunately, a trap will not work IMO. If you see one, you probably have hundreds. You can try to manually remove (with caution), but with the same problem as stated. Many fish will eat these guys or even some inverts (My sixline has done an excellent job :)).
like martin said its probably a bristle worm, have a look on google images though.

Most people let the live in there reef tanks. i dont like them though so i get them out. Main reason is seeing a 6 inch+ bristle in my tank, so from now on i get them out if i see them.

If it is dont pick it up with bare hands the bristles will sting
It will probably die off if you don't feed it. When you get fish, don't overfeed and bristle worm population will keep in check.
It will probably die off if you don't feed it. When you get fish, don't overfeed and bristle worm population will keep in check.
Thanks for all the replies yes i think it is a bristle worm, it came out and was about 2-3inches long but did not move fast so have no idea if its not well! Getting some invert today to start my tank off after the cycle (LOTS OF ALGAE NOW!) :good:
Yeah it definitely sounds like a bristleworm. I have loads of them in my tank. Some are pink with white bristles but "the beast" is a greyish green colour. Its also about 20cm long lol. They are a valuable part of the eco system and feed on missed food and fish poop. I was pleased to see that one moved into some of the new ocean rock I put in the tank. You only need to be concerned if you have a fireworm. These really sting if touched and can also feed on corals if memory serves.
If you do get stung, spread some elmers glue over the bristles, let it dry and then peel it off. The bristles should come out.

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