Help, please. >.<

Only a few days.They both look like commons, but the one in the foreground could be slightly different, how long u had them and if their from a shop was they all together as it's most likely a light coloured fish.
Can I have a link, please?looks like a common and one of those white n greys coloured ones mrsmithrc has for sale on his site probably wrong tho
Would that happen in 5 days?I'd say both are commons, lighter gravel usually brings out lighter colors...
It could... my Severums went from a tank with natural colored gravel (similar color to yours) into a tank with black gravel, and they darkend up within 2 days... Another thought of mine is that the lighter colored one could be a color morph of a Gibby pleco... My Gibby plec has an orange tint to him, and most I've seen are a dry dirt brown with light gold...