ID without pic ?


~ I learn something new ~ ~~~~ every day ~~~~
Mar 31, 2005
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Norfolk, UK
mmm where to start. I saw an amazing catfish in a lfs yesterday, but it didn't have a latin name (or common for that matter) on it's tank. The shop was also too busy to ask and anyway, it was also obvious that I'd probably never be able to keep this fish, as I just had a feeling it would grow massive.

Anyway, this is a description of what it looked like:
Vaguely similar to a sturgeon (silver body) and it's top lip was clearly turned up. Bodylength 10" or so. It also had 2 insanely long & very fine barbels - probably 3-4 times it's body length. His tail tips also extended to probably twice or three times it's body length(this is the bit that I do not think a sturgeon has ?). A really stunning fish and I'd love to know if anyone has an idea what this is ? I've tried to do a search, but no luck :dunno:

Edit: on second thought, maybe it is just a sturgeon :/
Im starting to feel a bit redundant here :lol: Pauls ID seems spot on.

Remember this species will require a tank AT LEAST 30 inches wide when full grown.
Nice catfish val :)

I was looking at a Giraffe Catfish the other day,I'm abit of a impulse buyer ,I stood watching it thinking 'I wonder how much it is?),one half of me was saying ask, the other half saying, 'walk away it might grow into a giant'.

Decided to walk away but it was a lovely catfish.
I think giraffes get massive. Although on that note... I might be able to get the false giraffes I was after! If I get a big enough tank/buy one then I can plunge even deeper into the sad world of the catfish obsession! Yay!
Thanks Paul. I had such a feeling, though it was just length of those barbels and his tail tips that had me baffled. They just curled around the entire tank and it was most awesome ! Ah well I guess I can but admire from afar B)
Or just look at the pictures of my one Bloozoo :p
Paul_MTS said:
CFC said:
Im starting to feel a bit redundant here :lol: Pauls ID seems spot on.
lol :p

The dwarf giraffe cat would be another choice cat as the true girraffe do get huge.

very cute and grow quite fast...

i have one knocking aorund in my 4ft somewhere at around 2" when i last saw it.

Paul - I was admiring the dwarf giraffe piccys last night and lorna spotted them over my shoulder...

we both quite liked them until we read on PC "An uncommon import but the most commonly imported member of the genus."

Oh well we thought - until we walked into one of our lfs today :)

they had quite a few of them - all looking really cool...

Hadn't seen them before - if anyone if inserested, PM me and i'll let you know there they are :)

They were about 4" and only £5.99 each :)
wow thats a really good size, we're selling them at 1.5" for £5.95, no one around here aprieates(sp :/ ) nice cats though.

it's just i want a sucker fish :rolleyes: inbreds!! or as 1 guy says "plac"
we were tempted to buy a few but they are teritorial and will eat our other fish :(

same problem as the pictus's :(

saw our first porthole cat today too :)

Oh - just looked back through my phone - I'mm off to find out about Indian Clown Catfish :)

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