Id Required...


My names Russell.... ....and I'm a
Apr 13, 2004
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Milton Keynes - UK
Ok folks... Its not very often that I cant work out an ID myself but this little beauty has me stumped...

I saw them some time ago in a local store, took a picture and thought - When I have room - I'll get a few...

Well I'm now trying to work out what the heck they are to try and get hold of some....

The photo from my old phone dosent do them justice - they were a striking sliver with black...

Any Ideas?


So far I've ruled out....

All species of Farlowella on Planet catfish (Twigs)
All species of Rineloricaria on Planet catfish (Whiptails)
No idea what it is but what a strange looking dorsal fin, doesn't look like it was made for that fish!!

i shall watch this with interest...........
Very odd dorsal indeed :blink:
Any other photo? Any idea what the shop sold them as?

Complete stab in the dark, but what about Pseudohemiodon apithanos ?
Edit: but no, I guess not. Face shape is wrong...but really the only dark & silver ones that sprung to mind.
I normally take a snap of the name / price tag when I see something I like...
Unfortunately I didn't this time :(
Very odd dorsal indeed :blink:
Any other photo? Any idea what the shop sold them as?

Complete stab in the dark, but what about Pseudohemiodon apithanos ?
Edit: but no, I guess not. Face shape is wrong...but really the only dark & silver ones that sprung to mind.

Couldn't Keep up with the editing then :D :D

as you say - head shape is wrong...

Unfortunatly this is the only piccy I took.
There was at least 6 of them in the tank at the time - so no just the one that was this shape...
lol - I had a quick flick through some I thought might come close - but it's all wrong. I give up :S

Would love to know though :)
Sturisoma of some kind, possibly S.aureum?
I agree with wolf sturisoma of some kind I bought a Sturisoma today and it looks very similiar... Mine get's Black horizontal stripes along it's back. I have seen that fish before at a lfs... Sturisoma Foerschi? Long shot as thats the name of a sturisoma at my lfs but they don't look like that one although they have had that one.
Silurus on PC has come back with Loricaria simillima

Looks promising...
Funny enough that's one of the ones I had a long hard look at last night and almost considered it. But again the "face" just looked different. But if he says so, it's probably a better guess than any of us could make....

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