ID Please!


Fish Addict
Jun 18, 2004
Reaction score
California, U.S.A.
Well, I've got two things that need identifying. First of all, there is the *hopefully not* aiptasia latched onto the caulerpa algae in the sump.




Second of all, there are these weird, wormy/nudibranchish things all over the caulerpa that have been spreading like wildfire. (Along with the gazillions of fan worms! :thumbs: )



Those are the best pics I could get, I'll try for some more later. But for now I'm going to bed! Hopefully you guys can help me out. :kana:
im almost certain that the first is aiptaisia :(

not sure on the other though
yep def aptaisia, what did you feed it, that just goes to show the bigger they get the easier it is for them to catch small fish

as for the other those little swirls are small fan worms but i cant see any nudis so im gonna take your pics to photo shop and blow it up to see what there is
yep found some nudis now but i dont know if they will eat your micro


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could be nav but on close up they have all the looks of a nudi even there little spikes on there back are just visible its brown with pink bits
hmm.. they have either been there a long time ... which means they have a food source and you need to identify it. or they came in on a purchase and will probably die off through lack of food

these need to be watched closely.
:-( How sad. I really didn't want to kill the little anemone 'cause it's so cool. Oh well, I'm planning on keeping corals in the future so it's for the best really. :byebye: Should I just pluck out the piece of algae he's on and let it dry up or what? I'm glad he's not on a piece of rock, 'cause then I'd have to do something more drastic. :X Oh, btw, I've figured out how they reproduce... he/she/it has just "deposited" a few little anemones where he/she/it was sitting and has moved a couple of cm. I'd better get rid of the little bugger quick before it takes over the sump. :crazy:

As for the other wormy things... I got an even better pic of them this morning! Woohoo!


Honestly, I'm not exactly sure what they are eating. :dunno: At first, (when I first spotted them) they were roaming along the edges of the tank walls. One thing I have noticed, is that they try to stay in the light at ALL times they are all at the top of the tank, whether they are on the leaves of the caulerpa or they are on the sides of the tank. Could they be a type of nudi that uses sunlight for energy? Whatever they are, they are pretty cool! :D

*Edit*: They are not from a recent purchase... they were there on the day that I got the caulerpa algae and they have been multiplying and growing like weeds ever since! The first two I spotted were about this big --> • -_-
im pretty sure they are flat worms,

do a search on google for flatworms and see if they match your inhabitants
ah yes thats a better pic, the one in the other pic were rolled up which made them look like nudis from that distance, as they are flat worm i would try and remove them before they get to plague amounts :crazy:
No, i wouldnt!, ive tons of them in my sump, they move really fast for their size, but ive had no problems at all with them, and they stay small. I think theyre some kind of pod, but not if you know what i mean :blink: .
Weeeeell, they are *kind of* shaped like flat worms but I haven't found any that even remotely look like them as far as coloration goes. :dunno: I am definitely NOT removing them. There must be hundreds and I don't know about you guys, but I don't have five hours free to sit by my aquarium and suck them all up one by one with an eye dropper. :rolleyes: :lol: I've just posted a pic of them on a sea slug forum with lots of experts on it. Hopefully I can get a positive ID for them. Thanx for all your help!

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