orange shark
Fish Herder
found a new fish shop today and they were awful, but one fish that caught my eye was an orange spotted pleco for £4. I didnt know whether ot was good so i thought id buy it incase it was a bargain, but it looks like the prat in the shop gave me a different pleco which I think is a BN but im not too sure. Ive only got pics of him in his bag atm but i'll get some more later.
orange shark
found a new fish shop today and they were awful, but one fish that caught my eye was an orange spotted pleco for £4. I didnt know whether ot was good so i thought id buy it incase it was a bargain, but it looks like the prat in the shop gave me a different pleco which I think is a BN but im not too sure. Ive only got pics of him in his bag atm but i'll get some more later.
orange shark