Found this growing on the side of some newly delivered Live Coral. Any ideas as to what it is and if there is anything elese I should be doing to help it along.
my only reason to as is, trying to have some aneome/clown fish, soft coral and polaps etc, just trying to create the living thing. Just looking form some advice as usual
Have decided to try and let nature take its course by adding another cleaner shrimp - peppermint. If nothing else happens then its going to have to a dose of Joes Juice. Is it really as simple to use as it sounds? - Joes Juice that is.
The purple and yellow thing is a bicolor dottyback. You got lucky getting one of those with the rock
a peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) should do the job. I had a tank of Aiptasia and introduced 4 peppermints. Within a month it was free of the nasty anemones.