Id Please...


Fish Fanatic
May 7, 2006
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Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
This mystery fish is at a local fish store, listed as "X-Ray Tetra". The store also has some "Pristella Tetras" (often called X-Ray Tetras) in a nearby tank. The mystery fish looks very much like the Pristellas, except the eye is almost totally black, while the Pristellas have yellow irises. The mystery fish has similar black marks on the dorsal fin, but a little larger than the Pristellas' black marks. The mystery fish also has light marks on the dorsal fin.

Does anyone know what species this is?

Group shot: Note that one fish has bright irises, but that might only be flash reflection:

In the next shot, there is a red mark on the side, that I didn't notice at the store. It may only be on this one fish:

Sorry for the poor photo quality. These fish are constantly moving.

Here's a Pristella tetra (Pristella maxillaris) for comparison:
There are a couple of possibilities, either Megalamphodus Micropterus or more likely Pseudopristella Simulata which is the False X-ray Tetra :)
Thanks very much, Mad Duff.
I found photos of those two, and I think it does look like a Pseudopristella Simulata (the False X-ray Tetra). But I'm still wondering about those black eyes. Maybe the eyes were normal, and the light over that tank was weird, and just didn't show the irises. I'll check that out the next time I'm at that store.
I can see a pinky red mark on one of them, are they ok.
Wilder, I don't know about that red mark. I didn't notice it on the fish; only on the photo. I may be back in that fish store in a day or two, and I'll have a closer look, while I also check out the black eyes again.
Wilder, I saw them at the store again, and they look healthy. I didn't see any pink marks.

I don't think they are the False Pristella (Pseudopristella simulata, AKA: Hyphessobrycon simulatus).
Here's a photo of that one:

It's very similar to those in the store, but has more white markings on the fins. And the store fish have those big BLACK eyes.

And I also don't think it's Megalamphodus micropterus, AKA Hyphessobrycon micropterus, which has a lot of red on its fins:

I've never seen black eyes like these store fish have. I might have to make space in my tanks for some, so I can study them some more! B)
That good news then.

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