Id Please (danio)


Fish Herder
Aug 13, 2005
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Are these D.Kyathits or the new Red-fin species?

Somehow they don't feel like kyathits to me... but then I don't have anything to compare them with (both shoals of Kyathits in my tanks are the Spotted morph). To make this more confusing the fins on these fishes vary between yellow, orange and red...

never heard of D. kyathits but it has nice red fins. It kind of looks a bit like a zebra x blue danio. It could be anything if it's from Asia :)
never heard of D. kyathits but it has nice red fins. It kind of looks a bit like a zebra x blue danio. It could be anything if it's from Asia :)

Here are my spotted

not much orange in the fins, but they are still the favorite Danio's here. These are in a high-flow lo-plants tank; the ones in a low-flow hi-plants tank look nicer, but still pretty weak fin color.

You can see here how red it may get....

The chaps I saw today are either the more common Zebra-like morph of D.Kyathit, or possibly the new red-fin species. I wish Danios.Info had a photo of a Zebra-like D.Kyathit...

If these are red-fin's indeed I'm grabbing them tomorrow..... if they are zebra-like D.Kyathit's, I'll hesitate for a few days before likely grabbing them......
Let me resurrect this thread and howl for TheWolf a little.

I got six of these chaps here and would like to find out what they are......

One thing noticed: they are considerably more energetic that my D.Kyathits. More running around at the store tank, and constant attempts to jump out during acclimation...they just feel like a different species. I'll add more photos later, hopefully a couple of days of bloodworms should bring more red out.
Looks like a zebra danio to me. The wild caughts can have the blue in them. Check out this pic from Frank's of a wild ones
Hmmm.....thanks... I wonder.... A wild red-finned Zebra strain from Thailand (I'm pretty sure this is the origin).... They do feel more like Zebra's than Kyathits.

Maybe Frank would have an idea.....

PS. Oh, darn. They have no barbels...I should have realized this earlier. :blush: So they are obviously not Kyathits.
IMO they are kathit, however they are not the std striped or
spotted but the lesser seen third colour variation
(no official name, but I seen it referred to as dilutinic, or diluted).

if you checkout my web page (link below) I think you'll agree Mike.
the third variation is the small pic on the bottom right of the screen on my page.


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