Id On My Freebie Shrimp


Fish Addict
Dec 3, 2007
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A shrimp turned up in my tank a couple of weeks ago. I have no idead how, I guess he came in a plant?!? Either way given that my LFS is over an hour away he did pretty well. The problem is I dn't know what he is. He looks a lot like my amano shrimp but he's black with a bright white stripe. He's pretty small (around 2 cm)

here's a pic...

Anyone know what he is??? He's pretty shy so that's the best pic I can get for now.

It does look like amano shrimp. Maybe once it settles down, the color will be a little lighter.

If it grows large, it can also be a fan shrimp. i always think amano and fan shrimp look similar, except the latter one is much larger, and once mature, u can see their fans :rolleyes:
From what i can see it looks like an amano shrimp-do not be afraid----be very afraid!!!! :lol:

Anyhow it'll keep your algae down!
It is black though.. all my other amano shrimp are clear except when they eat the corys wafers and turn green?!?

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