Id Of An Unknown Tetra, Please


New Member
Feb 25, 2007
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manchester, england
i was wondering if anyone could help idenitify this 'tetra', i say it like that because that is what im guessing it was. i saw it at my lfs today, i didnt buy it as it was the only one in the tank with some mollies, and it was being a real pain with them and wouldnt leave them alone, but it was beautiful! i didnt get a picture obviously because i didnt plan on needing a camera, but im gonna have a go at giving a good description! the body was a silver/grey colour, and it had a strip starting near to its tail, then the colour ran into the tail too, and it was bright purple/pink and slightly blue to the edges, something i have never seen before. it wasnt tiny, but not massive. similar size to the adult mollies it was in with! i wanted to have him, but he was being a bit boisterous for my liking, just wondered if anyone would telll me what he was, so i could get a group of them if they are happier in a shoal!
Kind of hard to say. No tetras spring to mind with a purple/pink stripe that goes from the body into the tail.

What where the fins like, long or short? What was the body shape? Was it thin like a neon or cardinal tetra or rounder like a flame tail or bleeding heart tetra?
Emperor Tetra Nematobrycon palmeri or
purple Emperor Tetra Inpaichthys kerri
spring to mind
when i got home and looked in my own tank, the shape, size and sort of see through colour of my silver tip reminded me of it!
Nematobrycon palmeri, the regular Emperor Tetra was the first thing that sprang to my mind as well. There are a number of species that are sold as Emporer Tetras however.

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