

Fish Fanatic
Feb 28, 2003
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I just added a new female betta to my 10gal tank. I had her quarantined for about 5-6 days to be sure nothing would pop up (disease & what not), and nothing did so I put her in the tank with everybody else. Now it looks like she has these little tiny white spots on her. Im not sure if they are air-bubbles or the start of an ick outbreak. :unsure: I know ick can be brought on by stress, and I would say shes had a pretty stressfull day! Can I put ick treatment into my tank even tho Im not sure its ick? What is a safe time period to wait for diagnosis before it becomes a full-tank epidemic?? :/ I've been thru the ick thing once before, I dont want to do it again! :no: Please help! Thanx~ :thumbs:
If you are seeing tiny white spots I would say go a head and start treatment. Head it off at the pass so to speak. Make sure you remove charcoal filter and that you treat for a few days after the last spot has fallen off. You might try to turn uo the heat slowly as warmer temps help to get the ICH growing faster allowing you more of them to get rid of with each treatment. You can do a partial waterchange too but unless you are due for one I wouldnt . Just keep a close eye on everythign and keep us posted as to your progress

Just wanted to add a little on the subject of bettas.

IMHO the general lfs variety has been overbred to the extent. I used to get bettas about 10-12 yrs ago that would live for several years. They were very very hardy. Remember in those days where I was from anyway, no one did water testing unless they had marines. I am sure some people may have been aware of cycles and such but no one I ever talked to ever mentioned any of this and my water was never tested. I did things back then to my tanks that I would not dream of doing today. I read everything then that I could get my hands on the never say the info we have now. Saying all of this, why is it that with being soooooooo careful with my water conditions now and filtration, even providing live plants, betta max, and special betta food, can't I keep one for more than a few weeks at a time. They seem to catch every fungus imaginable and just aren't hardy at all.

My thoughts are seeing as how I used to pay around $6 for one and now I can get one for around $3 that with popularity they have been bred much more and inbred more so that the strain is weakened. Again, this is JMHO but unless I can get one from a breeder which would cost around $60 I will not be wasting
Spots are now off her face but now seems to be on the tips of her fins??? And no one else has any signs of spots. I am treating for ick, but still not sure thats what it is.

playful~ I wonder why you have so much trouble with your bettas? :/ Mine have never had problems before this one (this is my 4th betta)! No offense, but maybe despite all your book-care, you still didnt do something right? Or maybe your lfs's breeder is the problem? I dont kno, I just have found bettas to be incredibly hardy. Thats just MHO ;) I personally think bettas are the bestest fishies out there! B)

Lesgerber~ Thanks for the advice. I have already removed the carbon and turning up the heat . I will keep you posted on this tho! Thanx again! :thumbs:
I will be the first to say you are right I find bettas a very hardy fish I had one that jumped out of the tank for 5 minutes or so and she survived it she got some fin and tail rot out of the deal but other than that she is fine it has took me longer to get her well for some reason I dont guess I am using the right medicine but I will get the vet to give something for her tomorrow

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