

Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2004
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Emmett, Idaho
Platties and Tetras have ick. Have some salt, but only small amount that lfs gave me since they sold me sick fish. Anyway, added that in...1 Tbspoon per gallon. They are in 3 gal hospital tank. Heat up to 82 degrees. Started this last night. How long does it take to cure the ick. And is there a faster way? Anything else I should do? I have a new gravel cleaner, though there is not gravel in the bottom of the hospital tank.
It takes about 14 days to be sure its gone. What you have done so far is great also keep the light off in the tank. It creates less stress for the fish and may affect the ICH as well. Change 20% of the water daily and vacuum the bottom as you do. This will help remove both the free swimming and cyst parts of the ICH lifecycle. Once the spots are ALL gone continue to treat for at least a week. HTH :)
ich can only be rid out of the tank when it is free swimming. ich cannot survive in higher temps, depending on what the temp of the tank is, you might try to raise the temp slowly.
raise the temp. slowly to 85 degrees and do a water change daily. Also do a gravel vac too. Plus i advise not to add salt because you have tetras if I read your tank information right. The salt will kill your scaless fish..It usually takes around 14 days to rid your tank of ich... You dont need any medicine if you do what I said this is the best way and it doesnt stress your fish out so much either...
OK, well there is some salt already in there and I do have tetras, though am more prepared to lose them, they seem to have swim bladder too, so I'm fighting a lot with them. Ok, wouldn't the 85 be too high for them?

I did some research too, and I'm glad it seems to line up with what you said. The one I read said treat for 12 days everyday (with medication on this one) and then every other day to at least the 16th day. So I figured that works with salt too.

Also, should I have the light on at all during the day? I know it helps keep stress down and I guessed it might help kill off ick, but the blue lights I have seem to add a lot more heat, I have tank at 80 with heater, but lights get it to 82 and it sometimes goes to 84. Though with higher temps I noticed the fish get really stressed. I was able to buy cheap gravel vac and I did a 20% water change tonight. Seem to have only a spot or 2 on each fish... not seeing any on Tetras. And that was simple over night treatment with salt and higher temp. I didn't realise Tetras were scaleless till I started reading about how some ick meds will harm them, then it sunk in that they do look a bit different.

Anyway, I think tonight I'll leave temp at 80-82 untill I get reply here. I just feel maybe I should leave it there since they don't like that warmer temp--the fish that is. I guess it bothers them since they wearn't used to it. I had to keep temp lower since my light likes to raise it too much, it hit 86 one day before they got ick. So I kept heater set to not let temp drop below 76 and was usually 80 all day when light was on.
:) Hi just a note....Tetras are not scaleless. They have scales on their body like the rest of the characins but they are very sensitive to meds and salt. that is why most meds say half the dose for small tetras. HTH :)
oh ok. I read that the medications could be harmful to scaleless fish and sensitive fish like tetras, catfish...and something else. lol. Elephant noses.
I only put a table spoon in the 10 gal tank, since I was running out. But over night they where in the 3 gal with 2 table spoons of salt. I didn't want to do the full 3 just in cass. But all made it though the night. I know I stressed them a bit by moving them again, but I didn't want to lose my bacteria by not having fish in the main tank, plus I figure that the main tank is infected with Ick too since thats where they where. Best to treat the whole thing in case I were to get more fish or if I lose any and need to replace, didn't want them to get ick too. Plus I can keep temperture done better and use light to heat if needed. They have lived through the night again and seem to be much better. Though I'm not feeding them till tonight, one meal since the tetras have that swim bladder disease, and I figured a little less food couldn't hurt them too much. I'll give them bloodworms, good meaty food to help them feel better. Is it just me or do bloodworms look extremly gross?

Anyway, there are some fry in the 10 gal and I felt they might have ick too, so by treating everyone, I should be safe. Not worried if I lose the fry, most will be eaten by the tetras I suppose anyway. I think I still have 5... somewhere in the rocks.

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