

New Member
Sep 7, 2003
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ok here is my problem. I got rid of all the ick in my tank. As soon as I got new Black fin sharks the ick returned which is spreadding to my red belly pacus. Im wondering if its the dealers fish taht ships them to me or am i doing something wrong. I have been using quick cure and a salt remedy a lady came up with. Are black fin sharks carriers of the disease and passing it to my others. My angels are the same way. Another problem, I have striped raphel catfish that have bloated stomache how do I get rid of that. How do they get also?

i think that is all. OH GOD PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!! :eek:
Welcome to the forum, mvericksangel. :)

I'm sorry to hear about the problems you are having.

I think what you might be doing wrong is not quarantining your fish for a couple weeks before adding them to your show tank. This will allow you to treat them if any symptoms of diseases arise before putting your other fish at risk.

It's hard to say if the black sharks brought it in with them or not. They might have.
How long did you medicate the first bout of ich you had?

Not sure about the bloat of the catfish.

How often/how much of a water change and gravel clean do you do?

I would try a partial water change and see if that helps matters.

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