ick wont go away

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Jan 22, 2005
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New Jersey
The same two serpae tetras have had the white spots for about 11 days. I'm treating with Quck Cure for two weeks! The Clown loaches it all started with are gone. How long can the cycle last before the parasites drop off? Water temp up to 82, watre parameters all good, adding salt with water changes every 2-3 days.
2 weeks should have cleared it up :/ - not familiar with that product but did you follow directions exactly?

The life cycle has 3 parts parasite, cyst (when it falls off) and free swimming stage when looking for a new host - it can only be killed in the free swimming stage...

www :)
I don't have a Q tank at the moment but when I tried to get them out the other day I could'nt eeven catch the bastards. I figured I would give it another week before I stress them out with another fishing adventure.
P>S> I have noticed a few spots on two other tetras today. This really boggle me b/c the meds have been used every day, there is no reason it should have spread unless the polyfiber sponge of the filter cartridge is taking out the meds? THIS SUCKS!!!
coryd said:
unless the polyfiber sponge of the filter cartridge is taking out the meds?

What exactly is this sponge? There are some that will remove chemicals working along the same lines as carbon.... :/

www :)
bump the temp to 82.... this speed the lifecycle (it dosnt kill the ich it makes the ICH grow faster) and medicate..... use meds that contain malachite green and formalyn...

if you dont bump up the temp it takes 27 days for the ICH to hatch out and be "KILL-ALBE"...... i strugled with ICH for a month befor i relised this... and to this day i know i can beat ICH in less than a week with this methiod....

BTW use a 3/4 dose with tetras.. the meds shold say use 1/2 but i found 1/2 to be inaffective aganst ICH....

From what I hear ick thrives at 82F. The temp should be 86F if the fish can handle it and cover the tank with a towel to keep it dark. And do a lot of water changes, daily if you have the time.
Thanks, I'll bump the temp up a bit more.
WETWETWET, the sponge is the standard blue, "polyfiber" sponge that comes with the filter cartridge for the Emperor bio filter system, made by Marineland. They come with the carbon attatched behind the sponge. thats why i am assuming it does not have the cleansing qualities of carbon. And i did cut through the filter sponge to remove the carbon.

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