ick or not...that is the ?...


Fish Fanatic
Aug 19, 2003
Reaction score
Upstate NY
I have a Gold Ram that has some fuzzy spots on his fins, which I believe are from injury- that I have been treating with Melafix (had Blue Ram with the same, a week or so ago- and he's better now)...however, not only does this Ram have fin fuzzies, but he has some spots, that look very much like Ick...The only problem is, I don't see it on any of my other fish- just him...
I don't want to treat the tank unneccessarily- have too many tetras and live plants and I'm affraid they won't react well...so I only want to treat if it is absolutely ick...is it possible for only one fish to get it?
I bought this Gold Ram and another one together and the other Ram died. He was sort of deformed- his mouth was pushed to the side and sort of scrunchy(sort of like Little Nicky- Adam Sandler). So, I'm wondering if it was from bad stock...my water parameters are perfect and all of my other fish are great...
Which direction should I proceed? Any help would be wonderful...TIA
from what I understand, Ich attaches itself to weak fish (maybe stressed, or new or something?) so it is possible for only one fish to be affected.

I have only one fish with it at the moment, but am treating the tank as mentioned in other posts (there have been a few recently, have alook in tropical fish emergencies) and it seems to be clearing up. If you do'nt have any treatment to hand, raising the temperature of the water can help I believe, it seems to be helping me to treat my case.


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