Ick, or does he just have white spots?


Fish Addict
Oct 15, 2003
Reaction score
Sioux City, Iowa
Hi, again. Possibly silly question to follow:

I recently got an angel fish. I believe it's called 'marbled', although it is primarily black and looks sort of velvety.

Anyway, I didn't pay attention (i.e. look for it) earlier, but now I notice that the fish has some small white 'spots' on him. They are only in one place, roughly a triangle between the eye, the front of the dorsal fin, and the ... umm.. fin behind the mouth. No white spots at all anywhere near the tail/fins. These are pretty evenly distributed, and the same on both sides of the fish.

The other thing is, the spots have no 'height'. That is, the body looks completely smooth where the spots are.

While I've read a lot of info on Ick, I haven't been able to find many pictures. I've also read that Ick spots are usually 'raised'. So, I'm not sure if the spots are the symptoms of a disease, or just part of his natural coloring. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get a good enough picture of it.

My plan, I guess, is to just watch him carefully and see if the spots spread.

Anyone have any suggestions, or perhaps links to pictures of fish with Ick?
Ich looks like chicken pox, with raised whitehead type spots all over the fish. The spots start off small and then get bigger and bigger and finally burst and drop off. This sounds more like markings.

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