Ick maybe


Fish Fanatic
Mar 16, 2004
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Sometimes (very infrequently) my platties flash. On close inspection I can see 1 - 2 very tiny white spots. It is not all over them or is it on all my fish.

I have guppies, danioes, cherry barbs (all doing OK) + about 12 guppy fry in a baby net.

I have tried the salt which they all seem to be tolerating OK. Adding small amounts slowly.

I read that you can raise the temp. Last time I raised my temp I think it affected my danioes as a couple died.

What temp should I set (currently 26 degrees) .. as I would like to keep trying to treat without meds and should you add small amounts of salt each day ?

All fish are happy, eating, swimming with NO signs of distress. (fingers crossed) even the couple with the small white spots.

I have treated ick successfully with one tablespoon of salt per 4 gallons (instead of 5) and raised the temp SLOWLY to 84-85. Do everything slowly,it helps them acclimate to the changes and raising/lowering the temp should ALWAYS be done gradually. :)
Thank you I shall try this. I think that maybe I have had ick but kept it under control with gravel cleans frequently and also the salt. The temp was the only thing I was not doing due to the possibly of it affecting my danioes (due to the last bad experience). I will try to raise it slower this time.
Thanks again

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