Ick is back in my tank


New Member
Nov 22, 2002
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About two weeks ago i bought some tiger barbs from my lfs they seemed to be doing fine for about a week. then i had a small outbreak of ick. i treated the ick and it seemed to have been eraticated from the tank. now about a week after the ick had seemed to disapeer it has come back. it killed two tiger barbs in one day and three more over the next to days. All of my remaning tiger barbs were showing bad signs of ick and were close to death so i uthanised them to try and help keep them from spredding it to my only healthy fish left in the tank. i am now treating the tank with aquarium pharmasuticals. ap+ ick medication but my bala sharks do not look good each one seems to have aprozamitly 50 specs of ick or more altho my large pleco seems to be fine. can any one give me any advice on what i can do to help. the active ingredients in the med is formalin and malichete green the tank is at about 80 degrees all water levels are fine altho ph and gh are slightly high but stable. i have also been keeping up with regular water change. has any one here managed to servive a sudden outbreak of ick like this? thanks alot for any help you give me and i appolgize for my poor spelling.
Try methylene blue! (I'm not sure about the spelling)

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