Ick In A Tank With Snails


New Member
Feb 17, 2006
Reaction score
Vancouver BC Canada
My fish got ick. My tank has snails. I heard malachite green, formalin, and Quick Cure treat ick BUT are NOT safe with snails. Is there a way to get rid of ick without harming snails? I do not have a quarantine tank.
Yes you will have to quarantine the snails, they won't cope with the med, good luck.
You should be able to get rid of ick without meds... raising the temp to around 82-84' will make the ick die faster... also adding salt.. I'm not positive how much.. I used to just throw in about 4 tablespoons for 10g.. and doing frequent water changes should help get rid of ick..

There are some meds available that are supposed to be safe for invertebrates.. I believe the meds are made by sera.
i have ick im now going to treat them - how long to the snails have to be in quarentine for?
Till you get rid of the med in the tank when the whitespot has gone.

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