Ick fix


Fish Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Hey all, I have a quick question. I recently just bought a new black moor and put him into a quarantine tank. After a day in that tank I noticed he had ick. I got the proper treatment for it, but am wondering, will the fish survive if I caught it soon enough?

Any help will be appreciated. :unsure:
most fish will survive ich if caught quickly. This will depend on the overall health of the fish when it contracted the disease, but often the result is complete recovery. Remember to treat at least 10 days after you see the last of the spots. HTH :)
This medication I got said to treat for only 3 treatments. What should I do? listen to the LPS owner or what? He said that this is the stuff that they use. I am at school right now and cannot remember what the med is called but when I get home I can post what it is.

The medication I have is Quick Cure by Aquarium Products. I read somewhere on the net that this one person used it, they said it will cure ick in 2 days but they use it for 14 days, whats the downfall with this or is there none? Will it kill the fish if I do it too much? Also should I keep the carbon in the filter or take it out like the direction said.

Sorry for so many questions, I am just a new aquariumist.

Its OK to repeat the treatment just 3 times but do not add any new fish for at least 10 days after the spots are gone. If the spots come back then repeat the treatments but this time continue the treatment for 5 days. HTH :)
And u could raise the temp to 84-86 to speed up the process. If thats to hot for black moors(which i think are goldfish) just raise it up as much as u safely can. This will speed up the icks life cycle and possibly help kill it. I also use salt to fight ick but that might just be me. hope my 2 cents helped. GL
I thought you were not supposed to put aquarium salt with plecos.... I forgot to mention that I have one of those too. I heard the salt will eat away at the plecos skin
ya the plecs dont like salt. I have done it, but do a 50 percent water change right after the treatments done. then another a week after, but thats my plecos and there big and strong so i really wouldnt suggest it cause i dont want urs to die. You could just give each fish a salt bath or take the plec out and put him in another tank till ur done treating.

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